Run surveys. Get insights. Unlock growth.
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Product feedback is key to moving software development in the right direction.

Without user insights, all your product decisions are based on guessing games and age-old best practices. And in today’s highly competitive market, it’s a surefire way to fail.

But simply collecting product feedback is just one piece of the puzzle. To really let it drive your growth, you need a complete feedback management toolkit. 

You need ways to gather, organize and analyze feedback, connect different data sources to break data silos, streamline development, and close feedback loops.

We know how hard it is to choose between all the different tools available. To make it easier for you, we created a list of the best product feedback software that will help you get the most out of your user insights. The selection is based on our own experience with product feedback management.

All the tools are sorted into categories based on their most prominent use cases. Mix and match them to create your own perfect toolkit.

Let’s dive right in!

Product feedback surveys

Surveys are the most popular and effective way of capturing product feedback. But there are multiple ways of running them—both in terms of channels and formats. 

In-product surveys

In-product surveys appear directly in your product as microsurveys, usually in the form of a pop-up.

They’re the most popular type of product feedback surveys since they’re targeted and contextual.


survicate survey creator

Survicate is a product feedback solution that lets you automate user insights collection and analysis process.

One of the tool’s key features is in-product microsurveys (in the form of a pop-up) that let you target the right users at the right time.

survicate popup survey
An example of a pop-up survey

Survicate is super fast and easy to launch. With just a few lines of code that you can easily copy and paste, you can have your first survey up and running in your app within minutes. Especially since we offer 125+ ready-to-go survey templates. Of course, you can also create a survey from scratch or customize and edit the templates in our intuitive creator. Building surveys that fit your brand tone and visual identity is super easy.

Thanks to advanced targeting and triggering options, you'll keep your surveys highly contextual. You can choose the exact time and place to show your survey and set up a specific audience segment based on multiple response attributes.

survicate targeting options

These options make it easy to investigate specific features, user groups, or product updates.

Survicate works well for both one-off and recurring surveys. You can set up recurring displays to monitor your app performance over time.

Keeping track of your survey results is easy with a real-time analytics dashboard that lets you see response breakdowns, spot trends in the answers to open-ended questions, and generate reports. You can set up email alerts or connect Survicate with Slack to receive notifications and effectively close feedback loop.

One of Survicate’s biggest strengths is the wide variety of integrations. Every product person is bound to find their favorite toolset—for example, Mixpanel and Amplitude for analytics or Productboard for project management.

Besides the in-product surveys for both web and mobile apps, Survicate also offers email and link surveys and a Feedback Button—more on those later. All of those options are available for every plan.

Product feedback survey template

*This template shows what a link survey looks like. The view of the in-product survey will differ


Survicate offers a 10-day free trial that provides all Business plan features, including in-product, website, email, and link surveys, as well as 30+ native integrations, advanced attribute targeting, and a host of other benefits.

The Business plan starts at $117 per month, and an Enterprise plan is also available.

Use if

You’re looking for a flexible, collaborative, and easy-to-use yet powerful product feedback solution that won’t strain your budget.


Qualaroo is a product feedback tool focused on in-product surveys for websites and mobile apps.

Qualaroo lets you create customized microsurveys (the feature is called Qualaroo Nudge) out of 10 survey question types and ready-to-go templates. With a wide array of targeting options, you’ll be able to show surveys to the right people at the right time. 

The AI-powered analytics dashboard allows feedback mining, keyword and emotion identification, and semi-automatic feedback loop closing (for example, the tool can inform customer support teams in real-time whenever negative feedback appears).

For better control of your data flow and deeper analysis, you can set up email notifications or connect Qualaroo with your existing CRMs and project management tools—although the list of supported software is quite limited.

Qualaroo’s notable feature is Nudge for Prototypes. It lets you collect feedback about prototypes while they’re in staging.

Despite Qualaroo’s specialized focus and some interesting features, the product hasn’t been growing much after its acquisition by ProProfs. While fully functional, it might not be able to keep up with your needs.


Qualaroo’s pricing depends on your pageviews number. The starting prices for 100k pageviews are $80 for the essential plan and $160 for the premium plan per month, billed annually.

AI analysis and mobile app surveys have to be acquired separately.

Use if

You’re looking for a specialized website survey solution with advanced targeting and AI-powered analysis.


Refiner is a Saas-oriented microsurvey platform. 

The tool lets you create customizable surveys out of 12+ question types. You can choose from ready-to-go customer success, product research, and growth marketing survey templates or create your own from scratch.

For survey analysis, Refiner offers a built-in analytics dashboard with advanced segmentation options. For a deeper look into the data, you can integrate Refiner with a product analytics tool.

Refiner integrations also let you easily close feedback loops, receive alerts, and send information to your research or product management systems.

In-product surveys are Refiner’s flagship products, but the tool also lets you send your surveys via email and link.

Refiner is a specialized tool developed by a small yet highly-driven team. If you’re not after an enterprise-level solution, it might be just what you’re looking for.


Refiner’s price depends on the number of monthly active users (which is the number of users interacting with a survey). The prices start at $79 a month for the “essentials” plan and $199 a month for the “growth” plan, billed annually. If you want to purchase an extended enterprise plan, you need to contact the sales team.

It’s worth noting that the number of active surveys is limited—4 for “essentials” and 16 for “growth.”

Use if

You’re a small or medium SaaS business with limited survey needs looking for a simple, cost-effective solution.

Feedback button (widget)

The feedback button is a simple and discreet way of collecting product feedback. Unlike pop-up surveys, the widget lets users leave feedback whenever they want—and only when they want to.


survicate feedback button

We’ve already mentioned Survicate, but let’s take a closer look at its Feedback Button feature.

Survicate’s Feedback Button is highly customizable. You can choose the same triggering and targeting options as with the pop-up in-product surveys—so it can only appear where and when you want it to.

Of course, you will also benefit from the intuitive survey creator, analytics dashboards, and integrations.

Since all distribution channels are available for every plan, you can try out the Feedback Button at any time.

We advise you to compare the response rates of your pop-up surveys and Feedback Button surveys and choose the option that brings the best results.


Appzi is a simple and easy-to-use user feedback collection tool.

The tool lets you run quick microsurveys in your product with a no-code, intuitive creator. You can start from scratch or use one of the readily available templates. 

Appzi surveys can be launched as pop-up surveys, inline feedback widgets, or a feedback button. Their feedback button deserves special attention because of its high customizability—you can choose its exact placement, color, and text. You can also set up targeting and triggers to ensure your survey is displayed to the right people at the right time.

Notably, Appzi’s analytics dashboard provides you not only with the respondent’s answers but also screenshots with URLs and user data. You’ll know exactly what your customers were doing at the time of leaving feedback.

The tool supports integrations that let you push feedback directly to your support, project management, and issue tracking tools.


Appzi offers an unlimited free plan. Paid subscriptions start at $29 a month for the basic plan. The number of page views and users is limited for each plan.

Use if 

You’re part of a small team that’s after a quick, easy, and budget-friendly feedback widget solution, and you know from the start you won’t need to run longer questionnaires. 


Source: Capterra

Doorbell is a simple feedback widget tool that runs on websites and web apps as well as Android and iOS.

It lets you create fully customizable, multilingual microsurveys. The tool captures automatic screenshots for a better understanding of the customer experience at the time of leaving feedback. It also enables respondents to attach their own files. 

You can keep track of survey results with a real-time, collaborative analytics dashboard.

Doorbell has a lot of useful integrations with help desks, team chat apps, and project management apps. The number of project management integrations is impressive, and you’re most likely to find your favorite tool. Unfortunately, you won’t have access to this integration category on the free and startup plans.

While the tool certainly does its job and is very cost-effective, it’s not updated very often and might not be the best choice if you’re rapidly scaling.


Doorbell has an unlimited free plan that comes with a limited set of features.

Paid subscriptions start at $29 a month for the “startup” plan and $49 for the “business” plan. All plans have a limited number of applications, screenshots, and team members.

Use if

You’re after a cost-effective widget tool with multiple integration options, and you’re certain your survey needs won’t increase.

Email and link surveys for customer research

Surveys that appear directly inside your app are usually the best way of capturing product feedback.

However, sometimes a microsurvey is not enough. When you want to run an in-depth, longer product feedback survey or a customer research questionnaire, email and link surveys are your best bet.


survicate email surveys

Survicate email and link surveys are a breeze to launch. Whether you use an email automation tool or not, you can have your survey up and running a minute from now.

Just like all Survicate surveys, they’re highly customizable. Choose from one of the 300 survey templates or start from scratch. You can change the colors to fit your brand or upload a background picture.

As opposed to in-product surveys, link surveys don’t need any installations to get started. Survicate’s creation panel will generate a ready-to-send link for you. You can also integrate with your favorite email tool for even easier distribution. Integrations will help you set up automated, recurring surveys or make them a part of your existing marketing and customer success campaigns.

When running email surveys, you can also choose to embed the first survey question in an email for better user experience and higher response rates.

All the other Survicate benefits, such as:

  • Real-time analytics dashboards
  • Multiple distribution channels
  • A variety of integrations
  • Unlimited seats for improved collaboration

Apply to email and link surveys as well.

Product-market fit email survey template


Typeform is one of the market leaders in the customer research tools category.

The software specializes in surveys, forms, and quizzes. Its biggest strength lies in the advanced, customizable survey maker that let you create visually stunning surveys. To get a headstart, you can use their rich library of templates. Skip logic and targeting will help you make sure your surveys are easy to take and unobtrusive.

Typeform lets you embed your survey on your website or share it as an email or link. The latter channels will let you take full advantage of the design options.

The built-in analytics dashboard lets you see your results and generate reports. However, it’s very simple and won’t allow you to get deeper than a basic response breakdown. If you really need to crunch your data, you can use one of the many integrations with analytics tools. The integrations can also help you design, distribute and collaborate on your Typeform surveys.


Typeform offers a free plan with very limited features. Paid plans start with $25 a month.

The plans vary in the number of responses and users, certain features, and several integrations.

Use if

You want to create visually appealing forms—especially if generating leads is one of your priorities—and you don’t need advanced analytics.

Google Forms

Google Forms is the classic customer research solution that needs no introduction.

The most significant advantage of Google Forms is that it’s free to use. It lets you choose from a few question types and has limited customization options. There is also a real-time report view that lets you track your results. 

Forms can be distributed via a link, or you can embed them on your site.

Thanks to being a part of the Google family, it has seamless integrations with its other tools (such as Google Sheets which guarantees easy report exports).


Google Forms is free.

Use if

You want to run long questionnaires for free and are not concerned about design, distribution, or integration options.

NPS and customer satisfaction surveys

While NPS (Net Promoter Score) and CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) surveys are not used specifically for product feedback collection, they can still come in handy.

All well-made customer surveys have open-ended questions letting respondents freely share their feedback. In our experience, this feedback often concerns the product—the users share their problems and ideas.

A good customer satisfaction survey software will make it easier for the teams that run them to pass feedback to product teams.


Survicate’s NPS surveys and customer satisfaction surveys are super easy to launch and turn into a recurring feedback collection campaign.

With ready-to-go-NPS, CSAT, or CES (Customer Effort Score) templates, you can have your survey of choice up and running a few minutes from now. They’re all fully customizable, so you can include an open-ended question asking for product feedback at the end of every survey.

Integrations with CRMs (Hubspot, Intercom), email software (Mailchimp), or collaboration tools (Slack, Microsoft Teams) will make it easy to set up automated NPS campaigns and close the feedback loop.

All the other Survicate benefits, such as:

  • Recurring surveys
  • Advanced targeting and triggering options
  • Real-time analytics dashboards
  • Multiple distribution channels
  • A variety of integrations
  • Unlimited seats for improved collaboration

Still apply.

NPS survey template


Delighted is flexible survey software that makes it possible to gather all sorts of product, customer, and employee feedback.

The tool lets you create surveys from multiple templates and tweak the design to fit your brand. Because of the template-based approach, survey customization options are limited. A wide range of distribution options is available, from email, web, and link, through mobile and kiosks in physical locations.

Delighted offers an advanced, AI-powered analytics board that lets you visualize and segment feedback. The NPS analysis is especially worth mentioning. Apart from calculating and tracking your NPS, it also lets you monitor the responses across user segments, stack your score against industry benchmarks, spot the most common keywords in the answers, generate presentation-ready charts, and more.

Delighted supports many integrations for product, marketing, and customer success teams to seamlessly make surveys a part of any workflow.


Delighted offers a forever-free plan with limited features (for example, only one distribution channel and project are available at the time). Paid subscriptions start at $224 a month when billed annually.

The plans vary in the number of available projects, sent surveys, users, and some features and integrations.

Use if

You’re looking for an enterprise-level relationship survey solution with premium integration, distribution, and analytics options, and your budget does not limit you. 


Nicereply is a survey platform for support teams.

While not a typical product feedback tool, it does a great job of empowering your customer-facing team to collect user insights. It also makes it easy to pass feedback between different teams.

Nicereply specializes in transactional NPS, CSAT, and CES surveys. You can enhance them with additional questions (which come in handy for product feedback collection) and customize them to fit your brand.

The tool offers in-signature email surveys and post-resolution surveys that trigger right after you close the ticket. 

Nicereply also has a lot of useful integrations, especially in terms of helpdesk systems. Notably, all integrations are available in all plans.

The built-in analytics dashboard shows your score breakdowns and reports and enables data sampling. Its “leaderboard” feature lets you find your best performers.


Nicereply prices start with $39 for the mini plan, billed annually.

The plans differ in the number of support agents and responses per month. Every plan offers all features and integrations as well as unlimited surveys. 

Use if

You want to empower your customer support team and make it easier for them to collect product feedback as well.

Feature voting boards

Feature voting boards are exactly what it sounds like. They’re a place for your users to vote for their favorite features and often let them leave their own suggestions.

Voting boards are a noninvasive way of collecting feedback and prioritizing your features and product roadmap. They also let your users become a part of product development. However, they can also provoke “herd behavior” where the most-voted features attract further votes, and the results might become helpful for your competition as well. Tread lightly!


Canny is a feature voting board and a one-stop shop for capturing, organizing, and analyzing customer feedback. The tool is also a definite market leader in its category.

Canny offers a product feature voting board that lets your users vote for their favorite features. It enables you to identify the voters and automatically close the feedback loop—once a feature is released, every voter receives a notification. 

The analysis dashboard makes it easy to prioritize features based on factors of your choice, segment users, and communicate progress across teams and with your users. With multiple integrations, you’ll easily push data to project management tools.

Canny also lets you consolidate product feedback with insights collected from different sources, e.g., via chats led by customer-facing teams.

Canny’s Changelog feature lets you inform your users about recent product changes with a full-page board or an in-app feedback widget.

It’s worth noting that Canny allows you to set up private boards and anonymous answers.


Canny offers a freemium plan with limited features and integrations. However, the update curve is steep—their paid plan costs $400 a month.

Use if

You’re looking for a tried-and-tested voting board solution with stellar customer service, and you have a considerable budget.


Upvoty is a simple feedback voting board with everything you need to collect and manage feedback.

Just like in the tool described above, Upvoty offers a feedback board for feature voting, as well as a product roadmap and changelog to communicate your progress. You can distribute these boards in the form of separate pages or in-product widgets. The tool lets you set up private boards and hide user data.

Upvoty makes it possible to notify users about the updates and easily assign your team members to tasks. Organizational options such as tags and segments keep your product roadmap tidy. Multiple integrations allow you to connect with your project management tools and automate notifications.


Upvoty plans start at $15 a month. The ultimate plan that includes all available features costs as low as $75 a month.

Use if

You’re looking for a simple voting board solution, and low pricing is your priority.


Savio is a place for centralizing product feedback and a self-dubbed “not your grandma’s voting board.”

Savio’s main feature is the feedback tracking dashboard. It lets you keep user insights from your support tools and CRMs in one place as well as categorize and organize them—for example, you can tie customer feedback to feature requests or segment your data based on multiple conditions.

The tool makes it easy to close the feedback loop by enabling you to contact your respondents easily.

Savio’s voting board works great in terms of privacy and anonymity. It lets you create private or per-customer boards, and hide vote counts and specific features.

What’s especially worth mentioning is Savio’s impressive integration list. It includes tools such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Hubspot, Shopify, or Segment.


Savio plans start at $49 a month. The plans vary in the number of team members and integrations. 

Use if

You’re looking for a feedback centralization solution, and you’re not too concerned about its design and customizability. 

User interviews and repositories

UX (User Experience) research platforms are a great way to centralize your research data and improve collaboration. If you struggle with data silos and keeping track of qualitative product feedback—especially collected outside survey software—take a look at the tools below.


Enjoy HQ is a research platform that lets you centralize, organize and easily share your data.

With EnjoyHQ, you’ll keep track of all your user research —this means user interviews, testing sessions, research notes, videos, and more—in one place. The powerful search engine lets you quickly find relevant information across many projects as well as visualize and analyze your data. The results are easy to share with the whole organization.

Integrations with customer support and survey tools let you streamline your product survey data to the platform and make your analysis even more comprehensive.


EnjoyHQ offers a freemium plan with limited seats and features. The paid plans start with $1000 a month paid annually.

Use if

You’re looking for a comprehensive UX research platform that will end qualitative feedback silos, and pricing is not an issue for you.


Userbit is a comprehensive UX research platform. As the tool’s website claims, it’s “not just a repository, but an entire UX design stack.”

That’s hardly an overstatement. The platform lets you record and transcribe interviews and videos, manage participants and stakeholders, and organize all research notes and survey data in one place. 

The analytics dashboard lets you tag your data points and spot emerging patterns with the help of visual sitemaps, user flows, journey maps, and more. With unlimited (but paid) seats and automated reporting options, you can easily share research data with the whole company.


Userbit offers a freemium plan with limited options that let you manage one project. If you need more, the paid plan starts with $20 a month per user (three users minimum).

Use if

You’re looking for a repository on steroids to store and analyze your qualitative data successfully.

Review platforms

Review sites are a great place to look for product feedback.

Setting up a vendor profile on software review and selection platforms will encourage users to leave their honest opinions. Additionally, every review must be up to the platform’s standards, so you’ll likely get detailed product insights.

Even though the top players need no introduction, let’s still go through the two of your best bets:


G2 is a tried-and-tested review site trusted by millions of vendors and prospective clients. Multiple integrations will let you easily keep track of user feedback. 

You can use G2 for free or get in touch with the sales team to access more features.


Capterra is a popular review site that will help you collect feedback on a massive scale and boost your credibility.

Just like in the case of G2, you can use Capterra for free. You need to contact the sales team for premium version pricing.

Tip: It's a good practice to send your satisfied users to a review site at the end of your surveys. Include a G2 or Capterra link in your thank-you screen!

survey thank you screen
An example of a thank you screen that leads to a review site

Social media monitoring tools

Social media monitoring tools will let you track mentions of your brand. You’ll be able to spot whenever someone mentions they miss a product feature, encounter bugs, or praise a particular use case.


Brand24 is one of the leaders in its category. It will let you monitor the mentions of your brand as well as your competitors to stay up to date with industry trends.

You’ll easily filter out product feedback from all the mentions with instant notifications and hashtag tracking. Your marketing and customer success teams will definitely be grateful for this subscription.

Brand 24 plans start with $49 a month for an individual plan and $99 for a “team” plan when billed annually.


Meltwater is a market leader among social listening and media monitoring tools. It will be handy for every PR, communications, and marketing professional. But its advanced filtering and reporting options and real-time keyword-based alerts will help filter out useful product feedback.

You need to request a demo from their sales teams to get Meltwater pricing.

Product analytics tools

Product analytics tools are the last piece of the puzzle for every product feedback campaign. While they don’t help in its collection, they will let you put user feedback in context and enhance your product decisions.


Mixpanel is a powerful product analytics tool.

Its interactive reports reveal everything you need to know about your product usage, such as the most and least popular features or user behavior details.

Mixpanel offers an unlimited free plan with basic features. Paid subscriptions start at $25 a month.


Amplitude is a leading product analytics tool that helps you collect behavioral data to understand your customers, tweak your product to their needs and identify success drivers.

Amplitude’s comprehensive digital optimization system will help you make sure your product keeps up with your users.

The tool offers an unlimited free plan with limited features. To get extended plans, you need to request a demo from the sales team.

But how can data analytics software like Mixpanel and Amplitude help you contextualize product feedback? Let’s explain with an example of Survicate’s integrations with the tool.

Once you connect Survicate to your analytics tool of choice, you’ll see your survey responses as events triggered by your users. In practice, it means that you can create segments of satisfied and dissatisfied users to understand your most successful and unsuccessful features better, see the user backgrounds behind particular requests, or compare user behavior data to actual feedback.

This will help you get a complete overview of your users’ experience with your tool. You’ll see how the numerical data corresponds with the respondents’ feedback.

Wrapping up

Hopefully, this article made the daunting task of building a product feedback tool stack easier.

Mix and match between the tools to satisfy your current needs and never let product feedback slip through the cracks again.

But if you’re still unsure what to choose, don’t worry. Most of the tools listed above offer a freemium version or free trials. Try them out and see what sticks.

Sign up for Survicate's 10-day free trial now and make the first step towards collecting and acting on product feedback!

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