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"Clear feedback is the cornerstone of improvement." - Sir David Brailsford, Leader - Team Sky (British Cycling Squad). 

While the above statement might have been made by a cycling freak, it applies to every aspect of our day-to-day life. The contemporary business landscape is not an exception to this notion. Nothing is static, and to keep up, we need to keep integrating insights from the customer feedback we gather. 

Due to intense dynamism and competition, entrepreneurs have to ensure that they provide customers with a seamless experience that is optimized and personalized to fulfil their specific needs.

To satisfy end customers, companies need to understand their pain points and find fitting solutions. To do so, they collect and analyze customer feedback and do buyer personas research:

While traditional feedback gathering and analyzing methods remain immensely valuable in today's world, today's tech-driven reality demands companies to leverage advanced customer feedback tools to enhance their surveys' efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, Big Data, etc. are trending technologies that can help these companies improve their feedback collection and evaluation methods for getting accurate and valuable insights.

Marketing Charts' 2018 study reveals AI's full potential to transform the market research industry:

Marketing automation

The research shows that, in the coming few years, AI is bound to take over complex tasks such as designing survey questions and drawing insights from the survey data.

To enhance customer experience, companies leverage feedback collection technologies that allow you to upgrade audience experience on websites or any other customer-facing touch points.

Enriched with machine learning technology, such feedback collection tools help businesses make the most of feedback analytics and figure out unique ways to fill the gaps and improve the experience.

To see how hassle-free using feedback collection technologies can be, check out the Website Feedback Survey Template by Survicate:

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How AI & Automation Make Customer Feedback More Actionable

Along with acquiring new leads, it's equally important to nurture the existing customer base. To win their loyalty, companies provide them with quality customer support which can be achieved through careful feedback analysis.

It helps understand customers' pain points and their expectations to improve future strategies.

Customers give feedback via multiple platforms such as calls, online chat, face-to-face meetings, surveys, or social media channels - depending on how you distribute surveys.

But it's challenging to handle and analyze vast amounts of data that a company receives as feedback. AI-powered survey platforms and automated tech tools have simplified this process.

Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are two of the most significant subsets of AI, which helps analyze the feedback efficiently. Also, because of these advanced technologies, making data-based decisions becomes hassle-free.

Let's look at a few of the major advantages of leveraging AI and automation with which you, a marketer, can make the most out of your raw and uncategorized data:

Seamless Text Analysis

AI-driven platforms can easily analyze customer interactions and perform text analytics to evaluate customers' thoughts and emotions. Also, these tools can grab the frequency of certain words and assess their emotions.

Sentiment analysis is the best method to gauge customers' feelings towards your business. It can divide the feedback into positive, neutral, and negative categories based on the words as well as associated emotions.

It allows you to work on the negative feedback and understand the pain points faced by those dissatisfied customers.

Based on the data, you can easily find effective ways to work and perk up those weak sections of your business. In this way, AI and ML are those technologies that can quickly help win customers' loyalty by solving their issues to increase website conversions.

Efficient Categorization of Issues & Smart Analytics

AI-powered systems work on pattern detection and Machine Learning algorithms, which help them categorize unstructured feedback automatically. This task can be rather tedious and time-consuming if executed manually.

Advanced AI solutions can classify tickets raised by customers in predefined categories and can solve them instantly or pass on to the customer support reps if the problem seems to be more complex.

These tools can easily identify irregularities with qualitative and quantitative analysis and let the concerned professional aware of the troubling issue. Moreover, AI-driven software products can analyze data and develop useful insights to facilitate data-driven decision-making.

One such example is the feedback management solution Survicate has under its umbrella. The platform leverages automation and integration with advanced marketing & product tools to help you organize, identify patterns, and create customized experiences your end users want.

With the help of AI-powered systems, businesses can analyze the feedback given by their customers on digital platforms. The insights generated can benefit visitor engagement and the overall brand's strength.

Conversational Chatbots To Respond To Queries & Enhance Customer Experience

You can find several chatbots in the market, which use conversational AI to enhance customer experience and increase conversion rates. 

It helps entrepreneurs to build a sales pipeline that can be streamlined with the help of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for your startup.

Chatbots can be designed to interact with customers personalized, just like a human. Moreover, a user-friendly and intuitive interface can make it the best companion to listen to and resolve all the queries your customers might have.

And automated responses mean a streamlined process to closing the feedback loop.

Automation Of Mundane & Repetitive Processes For Maximizing Accuracy

AI automation is one of the biggest boons with which it becomes easy to accomplish tedious and time-consuming tasks within a few minutes.

These tools are programmed and can perform without any human intervention, and hence they can provide more reliable results.

These automated systems treat all customer feedback equally, so the outcomes are entirely free from any human bias or partiality.

Moreover, with the help of AI-driven automated platforms, you can get the following benefits and make the most out of your data:

  • Automated, timely, and personalized email follow-ups
  • Predictions of potential issues your customers might have
  • The ability to identify customer behaviors that indicate declining interest
  • Help with unique survey ideas to get feedback from customers easily and quickly
  • More ways to reach and engage customers.

Summing Up

AI-enabled analytics and tools can work on massive data sets, which are complex and tricky to interpret. With the help of seamless evaluation and insights generated through these tools, you can spend your precious time incorporating them to improve future strategies for maximizing sales.

This will be definitely much better than just sifting through piles of raw data and getting lost in the end.

If you're looking to automate the collecting and analyzing your audience feedback, feel free to test Survicate, a feedback collection tool.

The tool integrates with the most popular tools used by marketers, like: Google AnalyticsHubspotIntercomActiveCampaignGetResponse - to name a few.

Try Survicate free trial or go for a more advanced pricing plan. Also, you can foster your decision making checking our newest ranking of best customer satisfaction tools.

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